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Retardio Retardio Retardio Retardio Retardio Retardio Retardio Retardio

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If you or someone you love is a known JEET or has JEET related concerns:

1-800-dont-fucking-jeet is for anyone who is thinking about Jeeting their bag, or who is worried about someone they know selling before the PAMP.

Connect with a GIGA CHAD now for judgemental financial advice.

Call or text 1-800-dont-fucking-jeet toll-free, anytime for support in English, French, or JEET.

If you or someone you love is a known JEET or has JEET related concerns:

1-800-dont-fucking-jeet is for anyone who is thinking about Jeeting their bag, or who is worried about someone they know selling before the PAMP.

Connect with a GIGA CHAD now for judgemental financial advice.

Call or text 1-800-dont-fucking-jeet toll-free, anytime for support in English, French, or JEET.

If you or someone you love is a known JEET or has JEET related concerns:

1-800-dont-fucking-jeet is for anyone who is thinking about Jeeting their bag, or who is worried about someone they know selling before the PAMP.

Connect with a GIGA CHAD now for judgemental financial advice.

Call or text 1-800-dont-fucking-jeet toll-free, anytime for support in English, French, or JEET.